Snow/Ice Bus Routes

If, and when, the district must use emergency snow/ice bus routes an Alert will be sent out. Information on country pick-up locations is located below.  If you are uncomfortable traversing your own road when we are in Emergency Snow/Ice Routes - you can call your student in as excused absent due to weather.  - Dr. Curry


District 276 will run emergency snow routes when necessary as described below, even though other roads may be partially open. If able to navigate their roads, parents may bring their children to an intersection along these routes for picked up.

Abingdon town routes will be run as usual.

Buses will leave their respective bus barn between 6:30 and 6:45 with intent of being back in    Abingdon by 7:15 or Avon by 7:40. Times may vary depending on road conditions.

 Route 2 – Rudy Honeyman: 

 North on Rt. 41 to Bracken corners, west on Co. 26 to county line road (if necessary): turn around, east on Co 26 (Bracken Road) to 300E, south on 300E to Co. 5 (Delong Road), east on Co. 5 to Delong; turn around and return to Abingdon, picking up students on Rt. 41, Co. 26, 300E, and Co. 5 who normally ride this bus.Route 4 – Vicki Still :  

 South on Rt. 41 to Rt. 116, east on 116 to Hermon (Rt.8), north to Co. 23, and back to Abingdon, picking up students along 116, Rt. 8, and Co. 23 who normally ride this bus.

Route 5 – Ron Lydic :                 

West on Berwick Blacktop (Co. 23) to Ray’s Farm, turn around to Quarry Road (175th St), south to Rt. 116, east to Rt. 41 junction, north on Rt. 41 back to Abingdon, picking up students along Quarry Road and Rt. 41 who normally ride this bus.

Route 10 – Rod Dejaynes:

North on Rt. 41 to Rt. 116, west to Greenbush, pickup and return to St. Augustine, return to Avon picking up students in Greenbush, St. Augustine, and along Rtes. 41 and 116 who normally ride this bus.

Route 11 – Terry Johns:

South on Rt. 41 to Ellisville Blacktop (Co. 17), east to Featherlin’s, turn around, back to Prairie City, turn around, back to Avon, picking up students on Rt. 41 and Co. 17 who normally ride this bus. 

 Route 12 – Terry Myers:   

West on Swan Lake Road to Little Swan Lake, picking up where permissible around lake, return to Avon picking up students along Swan Lake Road who normally ride this bus.