Changes to AAHS Parking Lot Traffic Flow and Procedures: Please look over the new A-Town High School Parking Lot Traffic Flow that will be in place as we return to school on Monday. #Atownproud
about 6 years ago, Brad Weedman
The Tornadoes in action during game 3 of the Orion Tip-Off Classic
about 6 years ago, Brad Weedman
Working hard on a secret project for the staff at AAHS!
over 6 years ago, Sarah Horner
Attention all A-Town Tornado Fans, If you can’t make it to home basketball games this season, or you have family who live out of town, here is your/their chance to cheer on all your favorite Tornado players from home, work, or wherever you/they happen to be. All home basketball games will be available to stream on The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) network on your phone, tablet, or computer. . There are multiple options including monthly, season, and annual passes. Please go to and type in Abingdon-Avon High School then pick the pass option of your choice. By subscribing you get exclusive mobile access to LIVE home games. Watch A-Town boys and girls basketball whenever and wherever you want.Your subscription will also allow you to go back and watch a game you missed or want to replay. In addition, A-Town Broadcasting Class students will provide live play-by-play and color commentary.
over 6 years ago, Brad Weedman
Meet The Tornadoes @ AAHS. Great turnout tonight.
over 6 years ago, Brad Weedman
Tonight will be the Winter Sports Meet the Tornadoes. All Winter Sports will be acknowledged tonight. The Girls Basketball team will begin their scrimmage at 6pm followed by a Scrimmage by the JV and Varsity Boys team. The Cheer team will perform between the boys games.
over 6 years ago, Aaron Hoover
Congratulations to Halee Hendel for being selected as an Illinois Music Education Association All-District Musician. Great Job Halee.
over 6 years ago, Brad Weedman
Halee Hendel
Here is the boys basketball schedule for next weeks Orion Tip-Off Classic
over 6 years ago, Brad Weedman
Congratulations to the A-Town staff members of the first trimester Mr. Kennedy and Mrs. Patton. The staff members were voted on by the student body.
over 6 years ago, Brad Weedman
Congrats to the Athlete of the Week for Oct 29-Nov 4, Charli Johnson! Charli was named to the Second Team All Conference! Great job!
over 6 years ago, Aaron Hoover
Athlete of the week: Charli Johnson
Congratulations to the AAHS cheerleaders on their awards at tonights banquet .
over 6 years ago, Brad Weedman
To clarify: The Football and Cheer banquet will be taking place at 6:30 pm on Thursday, November 8th in the High School cafeteria.
over 6 years ago, Aaron Hoover
A delayed congratulations from the Week of October 15th to Athlete of the Week Josh Asher for his performance in football against Peoria Heights on October 19th!
over 6 years ago, Aaron Hoover
Athlete of the Week: Josh Asher
Varsity girls basketball schedule for next weeks Cranberry Classic.
over 6 years ago, Brad Weedman
Cranberry Classic
A-Town Prairieland All-Conference volleyball team members. Payton Florine and Charlie Johnson.
over 6 years ago, Brad Weedman
Congratulations to our A-Town volleyball award winners.
over 6 years ago, Brad Weedman
Midterm Elections are tomorrow and AAHS students met with Snapchat headquarters today after school in a live Google hangout! Members also met with PBS headquarters! To say they were excited is an understatement!!! We will be live on location tomorrow at the high school! #vote18
over 6 years ago, Sarah Horner
A group of students have been asked to be Snapchat correspondents for tomorrows election!! This is a huge deal! Not only will all of their footage go on the Election Discovery on Snapchat, but PBS is also using their footage in a story on Youth Voting in America! #atownproud
over 6 years ago, Sarah Horner
The Fall sports banquets will take place in the High School cafeteria on Monday, November 5th at 6pm for Volleyball and Cross Country. Football and Cheerleading will take place on Thursday, November 8th.
over 6 years ago, Aaron Hoover
Harvest day at the AAHS FFA test plot.
over 6 years ago, Brad Weedman